White Water Trips – which one is right for me?

Winter Trips – So what’s the difference between Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced?


First you’ll need to do some home work on the river grading system : http://www.ukriversguidebook.co.uk/…/grades-in-the-guidebook

On our beginners trips we will stick to Grade 1 and 2 rivers. These trips will be suitable for those paddlers who are capable of paddling on a canal, outdoor pool, dealing with wind and the waves created by other paddlers. We will teach you the techniques you need to progress in this environment and enjoy the rivers. The ability to roll is not required, but you must wear a spraydeck and be happy to get wet. Your instructors will inform you when you’re ready to go on an intermediate trip and you can keep on coming back on beginners sessions until you’ve learned the skills. The instructors are quite able to set sessions which will introduce complete beginners and push the more advance beginners.


To be of the standard to attempt an intermediate trip you should be able to perform the following on grade 2. Break in and out, ferry glide, hold position in the flow. Break out, into an eddy with confidence. Be able to follow a river leader with accuracy on the water. You should be the standard of a 3 Star on while water, confident and willing to give things a go. These trips will usually be on Grade 2 with small sections of Grade 3.

The approach to the trips will be slightly different, with the coaches/leaders giving coaching as and when needed on the move.

We will endeavour to stop and play, so we will progress your skills in surfing waves and stoppers, boofs and taking your paddling to the next level.

Ideally a roll is required but not essential as long as you’re prepared to get wet.

If any of the terms seem unfamiliar then the Beginners standard is probably more appropriate. If in doubt just ask any of the coaches or put a comment below and I’ll pick it up.


These trips will be on Grade 3 with maybe a little bit of 4. You will already know if you are at this standard so enough said.