The club has a number of books/dvds/card sets which can be borrowed by club members for a maximum of one month.
Opening Times – Monday Evening – Please see Julian Medina
Deposit of £2 required per book / DVD / Set of Cards
Deposit will be refunded on receipt of book / DVD /Set of Cards returned in acceptable condition
In the event that a book / DVD / Set of Cards is lost or damaged the deposit will not be returned and the borrower will be required to pay for a replacement if necessary
The books / DVD / Sets of Cards are the property of KKC and should be treated with respect
The majority of the books in this library have be bought with a Grant Awarded by Hull City Council Youth Opportunity Fund
A Practical Guide to Sea Kayaking
BCU Canoe & Kayak Handbook
BCU Canoe Polo Year Book 2008/09
BCU Canoeing for Disabled People
BCU Coaching Handbook
BCU English White Water
Call of the Sea
Canoe & Kayak Games
Canoe Polo Basic Skills & Tactics
Canoeing A Beginners Guide to the Kayak
Canoeing Down Everest
Canoeing for Everyone
Canoeing Skills & Techniques
DVD EJ’s Rolling and Bracing
Handbook of Safety & Rescue
Kayak Rolling The Black Art Demystified
Kayak Surfing
Let the Challenge Begin Activity Cards
Paddlesport Activity Cards
Playboating Moves & Training
Raging Rivers Stormy Seas
Run River Run
Scottish Sea Kayaking 50 Great Sea Kayak Voyages
Scottish White Water
Sea Kayak A manual for Intermediate & Advanced Sea Kayakers
Sea Kayak Navigation
Take up Canoeing
The Basic Essentials of Canoeing
The Brendan Voyage
The Welsh Rivers The Complete Guidebook to Canoeing and Kayaking the Rivers of Wales
Top Tips for Coaches
Very Willing Griffin
Welsh Sea Kayaking 50 Great Sea Kayak Voyages
White Water Lake District
White Water Massif Central Fluffy’s Guide top the Friendly Rivers of Southern France
White Water North Alps
White Water Paddling Strokes & Concepts
White Water Pyrenees
White Water Safety & Rescue
White Water South Alps
Yorkshire Rivers A Canoeist’s Guide
Yorkshire Rivers